Living Laudato Si’ Survey: Can you help?


The Papal encyclical Laudato Si’, which was published in 2015, was the first such text to use the term “climate change.”  In calling this crisis a “serious moral issue” it has inspired people around the world to act ever since. From parish groups, to school initiatives to major advocacy campaigns, this text has mobilised a new generation within the Catholic Church. 

Eight years later, we know that there are lots of initiatives centred around Laudato Si’, but how many? Who is leading them? Where are they based? What are they focusing on? What best practices can they share with others? These are the questions that have inspired the Living Laudato Si’ Survey which has been designed to gain an understanding of the activities and institutions across Europe which have been inspired by the encyclical. This is an initiative of the European Laudato Si’ Alliance (ELSiA) which is a network of seven European-focused organisations working together on eco-advocacy, eco-spirituality and eco-praxis

The data of this research will be processed and analysed by six European universities after the data collection period which ends on 31 October. You are warmly invited to fill out the survey if you are part of an initiative or institution in Europe which has been inspired by Laudato Si’. Please see the attached presentation for more information:


The results of the survey will highlight the contributions of the Catholic Church to the Care for Creation, and give visibility to best practices and projects. They will be shared with the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, and presented in Rome during the Laudato Si’ Week 2024.

Fill out the survey here. It is available in English, Italian, Portuguese, Croatian, French, Dutch and German. If you have any questions please contact ELSiA at