“The mission of the Society of Jesus today is the service of faith, of which the promotion of justice is an absolute requirement. This commitment will move us seriously to verse ourselves in the complex problems which the voiceless and the powerless face in their lives, then to identify and assume our own responsibilities to society” (32nd General Congregation, 1974)
The Justice Secretariat coordinates and assists the different Justice and Ecology Networks of the Jesuit Conference of the European Provincials (JCEP), in articulation with the Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat (SJES) in Rome. In accordance with the Universal Apostolic Preferences, the JESC Justice Secretariat promotes Social Justice in Europe and the Near East through active coordination/participation in networks, conferences, events and publications, whose aim is to help those in difficulty and whose dignity has been violated such as refugees, poor and excluded.
The Justice Secretariat serves as a support to the JCEP Social Apostolate Delegate, currently JESC director Filipe Martins SJ. The Secretariat helps to coordinate the different European social-environmental networks, such as the Provincial Social Delegates, the Provincial Eco-Delegates, and the European Social Centres.
The Justice Secretariat also works closely to/accompanies other networks, such as the Global Ignatian Advocacy Network (GIAN) which works on Ecology, Natural Resources, Migration and Education; the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) which seeks to accompany, serve, and advocate for refugees and other forcibly displaced people; the Xavier Network, a group of Jesuit organisations working in development and emergency in the Global South; and other networks which generally promote justice in Europe and in the rest of the world.


Towards Loyola 2022

​​The Loyola 2022 Congress will take place between 28th March to 1st April 2022 at Loyola, Spain. The Congress will act as a milestone...

Loyola 2022 Justice and Ecology Congress

The Jesuit European Social Centre (JESC) is pleased to launch the new Loyola 2002 Congress website.   ​​The Loyola 2022 Congress will take place between 28th...