Passion for Europe Workshop 2023 – An Experience of Transcending Boundaries


A series of crises pose a significant challenge to Europe and the world, today – the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis, disruptive technological developments; and in a longer term: climate change, migration, the discord of nations. So far, European integration has produced a long period of peace and prosperity in the European Union. Rooted in European History, the founding fathers’ vision of Europe was based on Christian values such as solidarity, subsidiarity, personalism. Pope Francis has called for ‘memory transfusion’ entailing to rediscover a Christian inspiration for Europe, also as a trustee of the universal common good.

The growing interdependence of nations requires cooperation and trust, hence places of dialogue in which divisions, both between nations and within nations, can be overcome. Passionate about the European project, and looking to the future with hope, we propose to consider transcending boundaries, as experimented in border regions and European networks; and to discuss visions for the future of Europe, our common destiny, leading to the possible revision of the European treaties based on Christian inspiration.

Find out more about the program and register here.

Date: 22-24 September, 2023

Location: La Pairelle Spirituality Center, Namur (Belgium)