Justice: 50 years of Jesuit Commitment


In this video, Fr. Arturo Sosa, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus announces the beginning of the 50th Anniversary of the Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat (SJES) that began its journey in 1969.

Fr. Sosa states that “This is not only a time of renewal for our institutions, social centres or for members of social apostolates. It is a moment that must permeate the entire Society of Jesus, all Jesuits and all our partners in the mission”.

The celebrations will have three phases involving Provinces, Conferences and the Universal Society. In November 2019 the Jesuits and their partners will be gathering in Rome. This will be an opportunity to discern the roadmap to implement the Universal Apostolic Preferences that will be announced in February.

 Please find the link to the video here.

Text: Carolinne Silva | Video: The Jesuit Curia in Rome