Towards Carbon Neutrality: A JESC Guide for developing a common framework for decarbonisation efforts by Jesuit communities and institutions in Europe.


Global climate action requires communities and institutions to take steps towards assessing their carbon footprint and begin drafting individual emissions reductions plans. In the context of European Jesuits and the 4th Apostolic Preference on the Care for our Common Home, the Jesuit European Social Centre (JESC) aims to develop a common framework to guide social actors in structuring their contributions to limit global warming.

For this purpose, JESC launches the first issue of a series on guides on sustainability which addresses the topic of carbon neutrality from the prism of science and integral ecology. This working document explores the concept of carbon neutrality (or net-zero) advocating for a four-dimensional approach to climate action and offering a simple template through which to articulate sustainability.

Download “Towards Carbon Neutrality” here

The JESC Carbon Initiative aims to accompany faith-based institutions and communities in their ecological transition advancing carbon management, promoting sustainable practices and providing integral climate and environmental formation. Learn more about this project at: