Pope Francis invites Catholics to celebrate Laudato Si’ Week 2022


Pope Francis invites Catholic communities around the world to participate in the Laudato Si’ Week 2022. From May 22 to May 29, this Vatican-sponsored initiative will mark the return to in-person events.

The week-long global event will mark the seventh anniversary of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical on creation care and unite the world’s 1.3 billion Catholics to listen and respond to the cry of God’s creation. Comprising nearly one-fifth of the world’s population organised in some 220,000 parishes worldwide, the Catholic Church can play a powerful role in solving the dual challenges of the climate emergency and ecological crisis.

Catholics will rejoice in the progress made in bringing Laudato Si’ to life, and intensify common efforts through the Vatican’s new Laudato Si’ Action Platform, which is empowering Catholic institutions, communities, and families to fully implement Laudato Si’.

As a leading partner in this global initiative, the Jesuit European Social Centre invites everyone to respond to this call and join Catholics around the world in further bringing Laudato Si’ to life and caring for the most vulnerable.

Over the past months, JESC has developed an ecology strategy with a view to enhancing its advocacy role at EU level, as well as designing and implementing pedagogical initiatives to contribute to the ecological transition. JESC is also committed to lead the design and implementation of environmental auditing processes in Jesuit institutions.

In this context, JESC will continue promoting integral ecology during the Laudato Si’ Week.  On Friday, May 27th at 11:30 CEST, JESC will host the online webinar “Business and the Earth: A dialogue on the private sector’s role in the green transition through the prism of Laudato Si’”, featuring representatives of the Jesuit, the development and the business European and global communities. Join the event by registering here.

Recorded webinar called “Business and the Earth: A dialogue on the private sector’s role in the green transition through the prism of Laudato Si’ ”


The week will have as a theme “Listening and Journeying Together”, guided by the following quote from Pope Francis: “Bringing the human family together to protect our common home” (LS 13).

Laudato Si’ Week 2022 will mark the fourth global Laudato Si’ Week celebration (2016, 2020, 2021). But for the first time since 2016, the event will feature in-person events, an important milestone in the world’s efforts against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Each day will be highlighted by a global event held in-person, online, or a combination of the two. The events will lift up Catholic teaching on biodiversity, responding to the cry of the poor, divestment, education, and eco-spirituality.

Locally, thousands of events will bring the message of Laudato Si’ to grassroot audiences, helping bring this global celebration to life and changing countless communities around the world.

Laudato Si’ Week 2022 is sponsored by the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and facilitated by Laudato Si’ Movement in collaboration with a cohort of Catholic partners. More information can be found here.

Business and the Earth webinar explanation