Botond Feledy appointed as JESC’s new Deputy-General


We are delighted to introduce Botond Feledy in his new role as Deputy Director of the Jesuit European Social Centre (JESC).


In addition to being JESC Secretary for Leadership and the European Leadership Programme (ELP) manager, Botond Feledy was appointed as the new Deputy Director of JESC.

Botond Feledy has worked in the Hungarian province of the Jesuits as rector of St Ignatius College and later as director of the Institute for Social Reflection. In 2017 he was elected as member of the NewEurope100, a joint initiative of Google, Financial Times, Visegrad Fund and the Polish Res Publica Foundation to choose yearly the hundred most transformative person of the Central European region. Botond is former director of the Saint Ignatius Jesuit College, he is still working at various instances of the Hungarian public talent management programs. He presides the Institute of Social Reflection as well as offers seminars in IR theory at Pazmany University, Budapest.

In his new role, Botond will lead JESC internal and daily operations, including finance, budgeting and management. Botond will play a key role supporting JESC in its growth in the coming years, reaching out to Jesuit networks and Brussels-based constituencies. His decade long experience working with Jesuits will greatly contribute to achieve the JESC goals.

You can get to know Botond Feledy better by reading his interview here.