IXE Statement on the Asylum and Migration Pact

Italian navy rescues asylum seekers traveling by boat off the coast of Africa on the Mediterranean, June 7, 2014. Massimo Sestini

Protecting human dignity must be at the heart of the new New Pact on Migration and Asylum tabled on September 23rd by the European Commission. Solidarity has to be the rule, not the exception.

The Initiative of Christians for Europe (IXE) launch an Statement about the new EC pact entitled “Human dignity and solidarity as pillars for a new European asylum system”.

Important elements are still missing in the pact and IXE consider that this can only be a first step, which must be followed by further steps so that we in Europe can finally regain a functioning and humane asylum system. There is urgency to remedy the outdated and ill implemented “Dublin Regulation” and to add Important elements missing in the New Pact for Asylum and Migration

JESC’s Secretary for European Affairs, Martin Maier, co-signed the IXE declaration.

Read the full declaration on which changes need to happen here: IXE Statement on New Pact on Migration and Asylum – EC