Martin Maier, Secretary for European Affairs at the Jesuit European Social Centre (JESC) since 2014, has been elected as new Director of Adveniat by the German Catholic Bishop Conference. We invite you to read Martin’s first reactions on taking over Adveniat Direction.
What was you first reaction when you were invited to take on this new challenge?
First, I was surprised because I didn’t think that this could become a possibility.
Secondly, I thought “that’s interesting” because I realised that this gives me the opportunity to serve the poor and the church in Latin America – something that is very close to my heart. Overall, surprise, opportunities and possibilities.
If you would go back to these past seven years at JESC, what are the things that make you proud and that you are taking with you?
The first thing that comes to my mind is friendship. I made a lot of friends in Brussels. Yesterday I was surprised by the number of congratulations, emails and messages I received from many people. I also received a lot of support. On a personally human level, friendship is the most important thing and never get lost”.
The second has more to do with my work. I believe catholic social thinking has a lot to say and to contribute to the European Union. You don’t need to be a believer to rely on the principles of catholic thinking.
The group Passion for Europe is also something that I am happy of as co-founder with Marie de Saint-Chéron. Overall, friendship and fruitfulness of catholic teaching for the European Union and bringing together groups to think about the future of the European Union.
From Martin’s message on Covid-19 and Easter: “I am concerned, but not so much for myself but for the others and especially for the poor people, for the vulnerable people. Personally, I am in peace but praying a lot and especially thinking about my friends in El Salvador”.
Thank you Martin for all the work you done in these past seven years in JESC. We are fortunate to be able to witness and work with you and we wish you all the best in your new role as General Manager Director of Adveniat.
Read Martin’s Articles here: European Affairs