Pope’s encyclical on environment sparks comments and hope


Ecology and Jesuits in Communication (Ecojesuit.com) has launched its special edition on Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ environmental encyclical released last 18 June.  This edition features six stories from colleagues in various Jesuit institutions in different regions of the world.

S Ignacimuthu, SJ writes from India about the path-breaking character of the encyclical, Brother Ken Homan, SJ from the US focuses on the conversion and action that moves us, Peter Knox, SJ from Africa acknowledges the harmony of science, society, ethics, and spirituality, Jaime Tatay Nieto, SJ from Europe discusses the five new encyclical calls, Professor Alirio Cáceres Aguirre from Latin America shares how the encyclical is making noise, and Sylvia Miclat from the Asia Pacific region highlights the call for active caring and praising of our common home through an integral ecology.

Ecojesuit also created a page where the full text of Laudato Si’ in English, Spanish, and French can be viewed as an html version or downloaded as a pdf document.  In this page, we also share the presentations during the launch and press conference: Prof Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Dr Carolyn Woo, Metropolitan John (Zizoulas) of Pergamon, Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, and Ms Valeria Martano.